Dienstag, 5. November 2024

Beginn: 19:30 Uhr
Eintritt: € 29  


Vergiss alles, was du über Live-Techno zu wissen glaubst.
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Eintritt: freier Musikbeitrag  


[DI, 05. November, 20:00] Welch eine Freude es ist, mit Borna Pehar einen der freshesten Pianisten der Wiener Jazzgegenwart im ZWE willkommen heißen zu dürfen! Der gebürtige Kroate kommt mit geballter Spielfreude, hippen Tunes und nicht zuletzt mit Stefan Pista Bartus und Vladimir Kostadinovic zu uns, um uns eine Tuesday Session der ganz besonderen Art zu eröffnen!
Beginn: 20:30 Uhr
Eintritt: 25  
„JJ Thames is the future of the blues“- Dorothy Moore- „Misty Blue“ Legendary Recording Artist
A Mississippi and Detroit native, JJ has been shown the ropes by some of the best including Bobby Blue Bland, BB King, Denise LaSalle, Peggy Scott Adams, and Marvin Sease, she certainly isn’t a stranger to the road, she hqs been touring since she was 18 years old, has toured 38 different countries (and counting) and at 40 has certainly come into her own. Underneath the deeply southern juke joint stylings, and waves of gospel pulsing through JJ’s music- there is a mixture of elemental hip-hop, energetic 90’s and southern rock and blues guitar licks, groovin‘ vintage soul melodies, and a peek-a-boo of roots reggae woven throughout the foundation which diversifies her live show in a way that is unexpected and pleasantly explosive to the musical palate for all ages and cultures.

Rock, World Music

Andy Middleton sax, Kuba Stankiewicz p, Kristian Lind b, Chris Parker dm.
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