Mittwoch, 2. April 2025

V.S.O.P. JAZZBAND - Österreich / Ungarn

Franz Luttenberger - trumpet / Ádám Ladányi - trombone / Siegi Dietrich - clarinet
Gerhard Buchegger - keyboard / Peter Schwanzer - guitar / Werner Totzauer - double bass Wolfgang Hiebl - drums / Maria Rank - vocals
Beginn: 20:30 Uhr
Eintritt: 30  
“It was a dark & stormy night – a late night jam in Denver at an international music conference. Guitarist/Vocalist JJ APPLETON and Harmonica Player MANLIO MILAZZI were brought together by a mutual friend and collaborator: Harmonica legend Jason Ricci. “You guys should meet”, he said… the rest is history!”
APPLETON’S musical history includes 2 critically lauded acoustic blues/roots albums with Jason Ricci, 3 independent solo albums, and he was previously signed to AATW/Universal UK . He has made television appearances on Late Night with Stephen Colbert, Good Morning America and Carson Daly.
Beginn: 21:00 Uhr


Bettina Krenosz voc, Heribert „Hepi“ Kohlich p, Martin Treml b, Wolfgang Dorer dm
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